Egg Donation
Egg donation with Unneva
In most IVF cases, our couples need donors.
eggs that play a very important role in the successful outcome of the
surrogacy program. Egg donors are women
young and healthy women between 18 and 30 years old who voluntarily donate their eggs
to couples without pressure from anyone. While we search for a donor
eggs, we are considering the opinion and requirements of our
couples. Your age, physical and mental health, educational background are the
more important things when choosing them.
After being confirmed by our doctor, we will do the following tests:
● Blood Group and Rh;
● Clinical blood tests;
● HIV antigen/antibody combination
● Hepatitis B surface antigen
● Hepatitis C antibodies
● Syphilis (RPR)
● Vaginal flora smear;
● Cytological investigation;
● PCR for ureaplasma, mollicutes, chlamydia
● Cardiogram
● Therapist consultation
● covid-19 test
● Coagulogram analysis
The egg retrieval procedure lasts between 10 and 20 minutes and is performed while the egg donor is under anesthesia, so you will not have any discomfort. After the procedure she will be in the clinic for 2 to 4 hours and can then be discharged.
However, it is important to know that not everyone can be an egg donor.
In order to be chosen as egg donors, they must undergo many medical examinations and only after confirmation from our reproductologist, can they be included in our database. The first step is to do an ultrasound on day 2 or 3 of your menstrual cycle to check if you have a good number of ovarian follicles.
When the egg donor is chosen by our couple and they are ready to start their gestational surrogacy
programme, we start the hormonal stimulation procedure, which will be monitored by our reproductive specialist.
Egg donors start the hormonal stimulation on the second day of their menstrual cycle.
The procedure can take 10 to 14 days and during these days our egg donor will follow the protocol of the procedure.
She will have ultrasound checks and Progesterone and Estradiol tests, so the doctor will monitor the stimulation process and decide when to perform the egg retrieval.
Before the egg retrieval, tests and analyses must be carried out prior to the egg retrieval, such as: