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Our commitment to the pregnant woman


Nowadays, science and technology in the field of IVF provide a great opportunity for our couples, who want to do or are already doing IVF programmes
couples, who want to do or are already doing IVF programmes to check their embryos for chromosomal or genetic problems before they are transferred into the uterus of their surrogate mother.


These two tests are very important to avoid many unpleasant situations, such as:

● miscarriages
detection of many syndromes, such as Trisomy 21, also known as Down's Syndrome.
Our prospective parents can get answers to their questions by having PGS and PGD tests performed in IVF laboratories.

What is PGS testing?
PGS- Preimplantation Genetic Screening - is a test of embryonic cells that
shows whether they have the correct number of chromosomes. This test is not done to test for specific
specific diseases, however it can detect Down's Syndrome.

What is PGD testing?

PGD- Preimplantation genetic diagnosis tests if embryos have genetic diseases. It can detect:
● Neurofibromatosis
Huntington's disease
● Marfan syndrome
● Osteogenesis imperfecta
polycystic kidney disease
● glycogen storage disease
cystic fibrosis
● haemophilia
● Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy



When is it possible to perform these tests?

It is only possible to perform PGS or PGD tests after fertilisation. Before the embryos are frozen, on the fifth, sixth and sometimes seventh day of embryonic development, one or more embryonic cells are taken and sent to the IVF laboratory for evaluation and analysis. Results may take 2 to 3 weeks to be obtained.


Is it advisable to have PGS or PGD testing?
Couples who are over 35 years of age or have experienced miscarriages or repeated IVF treatment failures often consider PGS or PGD testing to improve the chances of IVF treatment success. However, the decision to perform these tests is up to the individual couple and should be discussed with the specialised doctor.

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